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Alexandra Le Rossignol

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Alexandra is an artist living above the White Cliffs at St Margarets at Cliffe near Dover. For many years she successfully made stained glass windows for churches in the Canterbury Diocese and beyond. However, she has now moved into a new direction having recently finished a three year course on iconography led by Iconographer Peter Murphy.


Alexandra has always considered life as a pilgrimage and is inspired spiritually by edgelands - areas in the landscape where the boundary between heaven and earth seems very thin. Sacred spaces can be in surprising places and the people we meet on the way. For Alex, her greatest joy has been the shared journey and fellowship with other pilgrims. Her biggest challenge has been believing that she can physically do the walk.


After successfully completing the Augustine Camino, Alexandra has shared her art journals and poetry and become involved with the wider ideas of pilgrimage. Planning a new route from Dover to Canterbury with Liz Garnett, she is exploring different ways of travel and hopes to produce a series of work inspired by medieval pilgrimage and bees. Although continuing icon work linked with the pilgrimage festival in September, she is looking forward to expanding her work using mixed media.


Images in Response to The Way of Saint Martin

Images in Response to The Augustine Camino

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